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I don't know why, but it's not working well on mac. It keeps crashing, can't play.

Oh, I'm so sorry that's happening!! D: I only have Windows setup, so I'm not sure how well I can help with a Mac setup - but if you could, could you possibly tell me what sort of error you get, or crash? Does it say it can't read the game file, or does the game window immediately close on itself? I'd love to try and help!

This is what pops up whenever I try opening the game. I don't get to the menu part either. I try to open it, wait for the game to start, and then this pops up. Love the art from your socials and I saw a lot of good comments below so I hope there's a way I can play this game haha (maybe I missed something? Sorry if that's the case)

Btw, before this, I had to make the nwjs in the MacOS folder a terminal file because it kept saying, "This application can't be opened." Managed to fix it with the help of the internet but yeah, this happened after.


What a great RPG maker soft horror game, even for a demo it is a very complete experience, it boasts a fantastic and fitting artstyle with a cast of really lovable and realistic characters that have a certain deep to them that makes you wonder who they truly are (Inessa and Ophelia are my favorites!).

Also worth mentioning those amazing cut scene art CG and the fun and challenging puzzles.

The story goes swiftly never really over explaining things and letting the context of the situations talk for itself. it may be just me but the story really grabbed me tight until the end! Never knowing who should I trust, what are some of those items for and rethinking all my opinions after certain plotwists.

Now, for a little of constructive feedback that I hope you don't mind and I did take in mind this is your first try at a game (Congratulations on that btw!).

-I don't know if it was a bug or not but the game has no music, just sound effects and even for a demo I think not having music really takes from the great experience this game is.

-The water sound effect at the end persist even after leaving the Garden.

-A text sound always adds so much ambient to games that rely on a lot of character conversation, I believe RPGmaker has one included, I think it's called "PlayMsgWndCharSeMZ.js" or something like that.

Again I know this is your first game and a DEMO and you probably already considered and solved all this issues but better safe than sorry right?

I'll be playing the rest of the endings off-cam and I for one wish you all the luck in the world with this project and will wait patiently for the full fledged release of Weeping Rosemary.

Keep up the good work!


I'M? YELLING ( in delight )??? To see you made a video playing Weeping Rosemary,,,, my heart is soaring, this means so much to me! I watched the video in its entirety and I am so honored!!

Especially with the critiques, as the water sfx, as well as the mouse puzzle in your video, those are definite bugs I need to check out and fix! So I will alert the page when I make those fixes, since your gameplay showed me things that needed to be spruced up, thank you so much!!

As for the sound - that is also something I hope to add in the full game absolutely! Also, on my hands and knees thanking you for telling me about the plugin ( since I did not know it was available, you're a godsend )

I just want to say!! The thorough gameplay and critiques have made me so unbelievably happy and I will definitely make sure to work these things in, when the full product comes out ( except that water & mouse bug, I need to fix these soon haha!! )


SO SO SO INCREDIBLE !!!! i am very fond of the design, dialogue and art. words are not enough to explain how excited i am for the full release.

( i was wondering if eventually some bgm will be added ? )

i hope the development of the game goes smoothly and i hope other people will come across it and develop a love for it like i did :)  <3

Thank you so much,,,!! It makes me so happy to hear that! 

And yes, music is something I definitely would want to add in the final full version of Weeping Rosemary!


I find the demo to be very pleasing with amazing art and very standard gameplay. It was a bit tricky to get the controls down at first, but it didn't take away from the experience. I adore the cast of characters and reading up on the dialogue and story so far, fantastic work on the portrayals and lore. 

I do enjoy the demo so much and I can say how much the creator put their heart into Weeping Rosemary! I can hope to show more support and can't see how the full game will play out! It is wonderful to have the chance to play this.

SOBBING,,, You're so sweet and these words mean a lot!! I'll continue to work hard for the full game!